Daniel Kreider

Angular Developer & Consultant


Hi, I'm Daniel Kreider.

There are a lot of things I'm bad at...

Can't market my way out of a paper bag.

Don't know how to change the oil in my car.

And I don't even have a Twitter, Instagram or Facebook account.

But I do know a thing or two about the Angular Framework.

I've written over 100 blog posts about Angular that have been read more than 536,198 times.

And also wrote two free Angular books.

A little while ago I showed up as an invited guest on the Adventures in Angular podcast.

Plus I'm the author of a few open-source Angular libraries - ngx-search-filter and ngx-loading-buttons.

Projects & Portfolio



A lightweight Angular library to add a loading spinner to your Angular Material buttons.



A lightweight Angular search library to filter arrays of strings or objects.

How to reset Angular form validators

I've spent hours working with Angular forms. And it's frustrating when your form validation refuses to work properly.

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Build an Angular Material login form

Today we're going to build a login form with Angular Material.

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Build a confirm password validator for Angular Material (How-to)

Today we're going to build a custom form validator for an Angular Material form. And it will validate that the password and confirm password fields match.

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How To Submit Form Data In Angular

Today we'll be learning how to work with Angular forms. Specifically how to submit data via a reactive Angular form.

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Styling The Angular Material Input Form (Simple Guide)

Sometimes when working with Angular Material there are times when you might want to adjust the styles of your `mat-form-field` to fit your design.

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Filtering a List in Angular (With Code Examples)

In Angular, filtering a list based on user input is straightforward. Here's how you can do it using a custom pipe.

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How to Use Angular's Signal Inputs (Quick Guide)

Today I'm going to show you the new Angular signal inputs feature.

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How to use Angular without Zone.js (Zonless Angular Guide)

By introducing a new form of change detection control with Angular signals the Angular developer team is slowly shifting us to a future of Angular without the zone.js dependency.

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Why Angular Signals? Write your first Angular Signal

Angular was the first JavaScript library to do change detection well. And since the first days the change detection and DOM manipulation methods have continuously improved.

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Should I use the Angular inject function? πŸ’‰

One of the powers of Angular is dependency injection. Do we use the new inject() method or the old constructor injection method?

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Testing Your Functional Route Guards (Angular)

How do we handle the injection when testing function based route guards?

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Angular SSR - An Introduction to SSR

Today I want to introduce you to Angular SSR. And some of the improvements that we've seen in the newest releases.

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Angular Functional Route Guards - Everything You Need To Know

The new function-style route guard feature was introduced in Angular 14 to replace the old class-based style of writing route guards in a Typescript class.

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Angular Firebase Authentication With Google (Easy Guide)

Today you're going to learn how to integrate Google Authentication with your Angular app using Firebase.

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Connecting Angular To Firebase Project (Do It Right)

Firebase is a great way to replace the hard work of writing a backend API for your Angular app.

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How to Generate Custom Theme (Angular Material 3)

We're going to learn how to take advantage of Angular Material 3 to build a custom Angular theme that will automatically reflect the branding of your company and improve user experience.

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Create Desktop App With Angular (Easier Then You Think)

Angular is great as a web framework. But, you can also use Electron to package your Angular app as an actual desktop app.

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Easy Custom Theme With Angular Material 3

The Angular Material 3 theming API was recently released. So in today's article we're going to learn how to build a custom Material 3 theme for our Angular app.

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How to generate mock data for your Angular unit tests (Angular βž• Faker)

Often when writing Angular tests we have to mock dependencies. But today we're going to learn how to generate fake data for all kinds of purposes.

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Angular Firebase Auth Guards (Easy Guide)

We'll be looking at how to use the Angular Firebase AuthGuard to secure an Angular app. In other words, Angular + Firebase Authentication + Route Guards = πŸ”’ πŸ”’ πŸ”’

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Structure your Angular apps like a pro (Advanced Ideas)

Let's learn some of the best architectural principles provided by the NX team in a standard angular application. Without actually using NX.

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How to debug Angular in VS Code (2 Easy Steps)

So that's a quick tutorial about how to easily do debugging properly in Angular using VS Code. There's no reason to constantly write out console.log() because that's just a time waster when you can use a break point directly in your code.

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Angular Conditional CSS Classes (7 Easy Examples)

Angular is dynamic! πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰ πŸŽ‰ And often you need to dynamically apply CSS classes to elements based on certain conditions.

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What is ngTemplateOutlet in Angular? (And when to use it)

What is `ngTemplateOutlet` in Angular? Many just don't get the use case for ngTemplateOutlet. And can't seem to understand why use it in your own code.

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How to make reusable forms in Angular

Today you'll learn how to reuse your form control or the group of form controls by extracting them into a separate component. And then reuse this component in other Angular forms in your angular application.

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How to implement a global loader with Angular Material

Today, you're going to learn an easy way to set up a global spinning loader in Angular with Angular Material. This loading spinner that will be shown while your app is sending and receiving data from an API server.

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How to use Angular Material mat-error (Complete Guide)

Today I'm going to show you how to use the Angular `mat-error` element. In fact, I don't know of a better way to [do form validation in Angular Material then using the `mat-error` element.

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Async Pipe In Angular

The async pipe in Angular is a pipe that we use to automatically subscribe to an Observable or Promise and then unwrap the data emitted within our template.

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Angular Material Dark Theme Guide For Beginners (With Code Examples)

Any Angular Material app that isn't using a custom theme is missing out. Why, even the official docs have 4 different themes that you can choose from. So, let's learn how to build a custom dark theme for our own Angular Material app.

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How To Create Angular Rotate Animations

Animations sprinkled here and there inside of your Angular app will help improve the feel and experience of your users. Today I'm going to show you how to create rotate animations in Angular.

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How To Do Angular Internationalization + Angular Material (In 8 short steps)

In this article I'm going to show you how to build an Angular Material dashboard that supports multiple languages.

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How to use the new Angular control-flow syntax

Even Minko, a popular dev on the Angular team, admitted he often had to refer to the docs to remember Angular control flow syntax...

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Generate Angular Component In Specific Folder (Quick Guide)

So you're diving into Angular with the Angular CLI... And you're ready to generate some components.

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Building a web app with Angular

This will be a quick introduction into the basic features of the Angular framework.

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What Are The Advantages of Web Based Applications?

Web applications are the silent workhorses of the internet. 🐎

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Install specific version of Angular CLI (How-to Guide)

Hey Angular friends! πŸ‘‹ Today I'm going to show you how to install a specific version of the Angular CLI.

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Getting Started with Angular: How to start an Angular project

How to start an Angular project – one of the most powerful and popular front-end JavaScript frameworks available today. πŸ€™

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How to create read more/less button (Angular)

Looking for Angular code that can shorten a paragraph if it has more then a certain number of characters?

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Best Practices for Efficient Angular Project Structure

You see, having a well-structured Angular project isn't just about neatness but also about developer productivity, readability, and scalability. 🀠

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Angular Filter Pipe - How To Use It (The Simple Guide)

Here's how to use an Angular filter pipe, even though it doesn't exist as part of the framework anymore.

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How To Create Angular Slide Animations: Simple Examples For Beginners

Animations are cool. And a few animations sprinkled here and there inside of your Angular app will dramatically... 🀩

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Angular - Fade In & Out Animations (Code examples included)

Angular animations can be a bit confusing if you're used to working with CSS animations. But they're really not hard to create once...

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What is the difference between NgIf and [hidden]?

Although both directives can be used to achieve similar results, they have differences and are suitable for different scenarios. 🧐

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The different types of Angular tests (and when to use them)

Here are the 6 different test types for Angular applications. And we'll even be talking about my nosy neighbors, Angular love stories, and... 🫑

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Should my startup use Angular?

Here are a few examples of startups that have used Angular. And also the benefits and challenges of using Angular for startup development.

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How to build an MVP with Angular (5 Tips and Best Practices for 2023)

If you're a startup founder, you know the importance of getting your product to market as quickly as possible... πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ πŸƒβ€β™‚οΈ

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Why do Businesses Choose Angular for Web Application Development?

Did you know that more than 319k websites currently use Angular? Here are 7 reasons why entrepreneurs and enterprises are choosing Angular.

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Auth State Management βš™οΈ (For a Basic Angular App)

Today I'm going to show you how to add auth state management to your existing Angular project. We'll be using a very tiny Angular library called...

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How To Make a PWA with Angular Right Now (Easy Tutorial)

Have you heard about the PWA success stories out there? Starbucks, for example, was able to reduce the size of their app by 99.84% when they switched from their iOS app to a PWA. 🀠

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5 Angular Material schematics you must start using today (else you're wasting time)

When I first started using the Angular Material library I had no idea that these schematics existed. And I would waste hours getting...

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Angular copy to clipboard (4 easy ways)

Today you're going to learn how to copy text in Angular. That is, I'm going to show you exactly how to copy text to the clipboard programmatically.

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The quick guide to supporting ng add (code examples included)

How to create a ng add schematic for your Angular library in less than 5 minutes. Even if you have no idea where to start (plenty of code examples included).

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How to create an Angular Schematics to import a CSS file

I discovered how to create an Angular schematics that can modify the angular.json file and import a CSS asset. Here's how you can do it as well.

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How to do dependency inversion in Angular

Wanna beef the quality of your Angular application? Then read this to learn why using dependency inversion could help you dodge a kick in the teeth.

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What is the difference between a Promise and Observable?

This is a story and simple-pimple guide for dummies like me about Promises, Observables, and why I failed my GDE interview. This really isn't complicated - if you listen to great teachers like me. 😜

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Angular - How to return to last page

Imagine if your Angular app would "remember" the last page your users visited before they closed their browser tab. And next time they opened your app...

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Angular: How to profile runtime performance

Performance problems are aggravating. As aggravating as being stuck on an airplane seat with broken glass in your underwear...

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The Simple Angular Browser Detection Tutorial

Are you an Angular developer? Working on an Angular application? That needs to detect what browser a user is using? How do you get browser information in Angular?

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Want a boring Angular app? Then don't do this.

If you want to build a boring Angular application then don't read this. Otherwise, here's how to add some intrigue and mystery to your Angular app. While having a blast yourself. And... without wasting hours of your time.

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Angular Material Form Validation (With Code Examples)

If your Angular form accepts any kind of input under the sun - with no or even minimal input validation - expect it to blow up in your face. πŸ’₯πŸ’₯πŸ’₯

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The Ultimate Guide To The Angular App Shell

Slow Angular apps are boring - like watching paint dry on a moist day type of boring. So why not join the app shell band-wagon and make your Angular app load faster and impress more people? 🎯 🎯 🎯

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Angular - 5 different ways to filter ngFor (Code examples included)

One of Angular's cool features is the ngFor directive. I remember being fascinated the first time I used it. Why? Because it made jQuery look so... um mm... dumb. 😏

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Angular Quick Answer: Difference between constructor and ngOnInit

Here's the quick answer. The constructor is a Typescript feature used to instantiate the Typescript class. In most Angular projects...

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How to implement a global loader with Angular Material

So what's the quickest way to add a global loading spinner to your Angular application? When it comes to creating a loading spinner...

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Angular & Google Analytics - The Complete Guide

If you want to discover how users are interacting with an Angular application then Google Analytics is definitely the cheapest, easiest and quickest way to get started.

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How to deploy an Angular app - The Complete Guide for 2022

Here's how to deploy your Angular app to Azure, Firebase, Netlify and more.

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How to cache Angular HTTP requests (4 best ways)

So you want to do some caching? And cache the HTTP requests that your Angular app is making?

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Angular Async Pipe - Here's How To Use It Today (Step-by-step)

The async pipe is a special Angular pipe that subscribes to an Observable or Promise and returns the last value that was emitted.

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Angular Project Structure Best Practices (Read With Caution)

How should you structure your Angular application? And what are some best practices to avoid a spaghetti mess?

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Testing Angular Services - A Complete Introduction For Beginners

How do you test Angular services? And suck up those bugs like a vacuum cleaner on steroids. πŸ€“

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Angular Component Testing - The Complete Guide For Beginners

Want to learn how to test Angular components? Here's your getting-started-guide that will teach you how to cleverly test Angular components.

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How to test Reactive Angular Forms (Step-by-step Guide)

The complete guide to testing reactive Angular forms. It's actually simpler than you think.

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Angular & Cypress - The Quick Guide For Beginners

Want to join the crowd and use Cypress to test your Angular app? And best of all it's probably easier than you think.

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How to automatically deploy Angular app to Firebase Hosting using Github Actions

Want to deploy your Angular application to Firebase with GitHub Actions while you sleep? This complete guide will show you how to do it. In less than 5 minutes.

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How to use Protractor with Angular 12 or greater

How to use Protractor for E2E testing on Angular 12 and newer. Even if the Angular team decided to deprecate it...

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How to test Angular apps with Protractor - Complete Guide For Beginners

Want to test your Angular application with Protractor? Here's the complete tutorial for beginners loaded with oodles of examples and explanations to get you started.

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How to test an Angular attribute directives

Got an Angular attribute directive to test? Here's the complete guide to getting started. In only 5 minutes.

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Angular - How to test asynchronous code

Testing functions that return an observable or promise can be mighty hard - like herding a bunch of cats. Here's how to test asynchronous...

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How to test the Angular router

Who says that testing the Angular router is an icky job? A quick intro to navigation and router unit testing in Angular. πŸ™ƒ

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Discover how to write tests for an Angular pipe ✨ ✨ ✨

Wish you knew how to test your Angular pipes? Here's how to get started in less than 5 minutes. And even if you have no idea how to...

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Angular Component DOM Testing - The Complete Guide For Beginners

Writing DOM tests for my Angular components looked overwhelming. But my frustration soon changed to glee when I discovered...

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Angular - How to remove and avoid unused imports

Who else wants to avoid and get rid of those unused Typescript imports that you keep forgetting about? πŸ€”

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Introduction to Angular Testing - Here's how to get started

Who else wants to learn how to properly test an Angular application - in half the time?

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Angular - Test Service With HttpClient (With Code Examples)

Here's how to quickly test Angular services that depend on the HttpClient - if you want to shake the bugs out of your Angular code.

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This "simple stunt" lets me always release an optimized Angular application.

How to use the Lighthouse package with your Angular app to release production-worthy applications that perform like a boss. Every. Single. Time.

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The Best Angular Courses (2023)

Highly-skilled Angular experts are in-demand. And one of the best ways to become one is by finding an Angular course that will help you improve your Angular skills.

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How to set up Angular code coverage in VS Code

Here's how to configure code coverage to discover which chunks of your Angular application are being tested. In less than 30 seconds.

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The Complete Angular Performance Guide (In 2023)

Here are the steps you can follow to double or even triple the speed and performance of your Angular application.

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The Complete Angular Authentication Demo

Need to add authentication to your Angular application? Here's the complete guide to setting up a login form and authentication with Angular.

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Do you make this mistake in your .NET Core API project?

Need to whip up CRUD functionality for your ASP.NET Core application? Here's how to quickly create CRUD controllers for your data models. Without breaking DRY principles.

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Use Brotli to make your Angular app perform faster

Want your Angular app to load faster? Here's a quick shortcut that could drastically accelerate the performance of your Angular application.

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Angular - How to improve bundle size. And make your Angular app load faster.

Is your Angular application slow? Here are 5 ways you can reduce the bundle size. WARNING: The 4th option could reduce your bundle size by 300%...

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How to add Mocha reporter to Angular in less than two minutes

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How to improve Angular load performance?

Here's the in-depth-guide to improve and optimize your Angular performance and making sure it loads blazingly fast. Every. Single. Time.

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Should you choose Angular or React?

Here's why I choose Angular instead of React. And why you should too. I realize that this is an opinionated thing so take all of this with a grain of salt. In fact, don't even read it.

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How to install and use the Angular CLI

What is the Angular CLI? Here's the step-by-step guide to install the Angular CLI and build your first Angular application

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Angular Pipe Performance - How to build a blazingly fast Angular pipe ⚑️

Looking to make your Angular pipes perform like a dashing cheetah? Then here's how to create a performant Angular pipe. ✨✨✨

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How to Deploy Angular App to Firebase Hosting (2022)

Want to deploy your Angular app to Firebase hosting? In less than 5 minutes? Today I'm going to show you how to host your Angular app with Firebase hosting.

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Use trackBy to improve Angular application performance

Looking to make your Angular application perform better? Then here's how to take advantage of Angular's trackBy function. And make your Angular application perform like a boss.

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.NET Core - The simple step-by-step guide to creating and using a Generic Repository

Need to create a generic repository for your .NET Core web API project? Here's the simple step-by-step guide that will teach you how to build and code a generic repository.

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Quick steps you can use to improve Angular change detection performance

Did you know that Angular change detection has it's limits? And if you're not wise, it'll get grouchy and make you look like a bad coder.

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Here's how to rapidly create Typescript models and HTTP clients for your frontend Angular application πŸ‘‰

I'll teach you how to automatically generate API clients and interfaces for your Angular application. And potentially save yourself heaps of time. πŸ₯³

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Angular Preloading Strategies - What are they? And how are they used?

Want a savvy understanding about lazy-loaded modules and preloading strategies? Here's the complete guide that will teach you everything you need to know about Angular's preloading strategies.

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Where's the best place to hire an Angular consultant?

Looking for an Angular expert? Here's a list of 12 top places you can go hunting for an Angular consultant or freelancer.

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How to become a successful Angular consultant?

Want to discover 8 tips and tools that any Angular consultant and expert can use to become wildly successful? Then click here to read more.

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How to add Toastr Notifications to your Angular application

Angular and toast notifications. Here's the complete guide on how to install and use Toastr in your Angular app to create toast notifications

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Animated Skeletons & Angular - How to Build a Fantastic Angular User Experience

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How to add Ghost animations to your Angular table? πŸ‘» πŸ‘» πŸ‘»

Here's the code, demos and screenshots on how to create a basic Ghost table animation that you can adapt for your Angular project.

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The 13 Best Angular Books of 2023 (In-Depth Review)

Looking for an Angular book? Here's a juicy list of the best Angular books that will help you advance your Angular expertise.

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How do you craft a honking powerful Angular application? πŸš€

Will your Angular app smoothly scale to millions of users? Here's a guide with 5 tips on how to build an Angular application that won't cave in and crash. πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯ πŸ”₯

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5 Workflow Tricks For Busy Angular Developers

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How to use Semantic UI in your Angular app (Of course it's possible)

Trying to add Semantic UI to your Angular app? Struggling with weird gulp errors? Here's how to add Semantic UI components to your Angular app… without getting frustrated.

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How to retry an HTTP request in Angular (with code examples)

Want to retry a failed HTTP request? Here's to manage HTTP failures in Angular.

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How to monitor the slowness of your Angular web app's HTTP requests and API calls

The simple-pimple guide to expose slow HTTP requests that are frustrating users and no doubt causing revenue loss. Without installing moment.js and bloating your Angular app.

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How to build a dynamic Angular form?

Need to build a dynamic Angular form? Here's the step-by-step tutorial you need to create an advanced dynamic form in Angular.

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How to build a basic dynamic form with Angular?

Need a quick intro to dynamic Angular forms? Here's a 3-minute guide to get you started.

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Angular Reactive Forms - The complete step-by-step guide

Are you a beginner to Angular's reactive forms? Here's how to harness the power of reactive Angular forms in your web application. Full of examples and lots of code.

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Convert your .NET Core with Angular SPA app to an NX environment

Interested in joining the big guys by adding NX (Nrwl Extensions) to your ASP.NET Core Angular App? Then here's your step-by-step guide.

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How to add a loading spinner to an Angular MaterialΒ button (Step-by-step Guide)

Here's the 2-minute guide that will show you how to add a loading spinner to the Angular Material Button. Code and explanation included.

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Angular Feature Toggling (4 different ways) πŸ’‘

Here are 4 different ways that you can use to add simple and powerful feature toggling to an Angular app.

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Should I add jQuery to my Angular application? πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

Wondering if it's a good idea to use jQuery in your Angular application? Here's a complete guide to help you decide.

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Angular and Jest - Here's how to write your first basic Angular test

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(Angular) What should I test? Here's how you can get the best ROI

Trouble deciding what parts of your Angular application you should be testing? Here's the 3 minute guide on how to get the best ROI...

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(Angular) Globally enforce a coding style using TSLint + Prettier + Husky

Here's a complete guide on how to automate and enforce a global coding styling so that you and your developers can focus on what matters.

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How to build a highly effective Angular team

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How to use jQuery with Angular?

The complete guide on adding jQuery to your Angular project - with code examples and explanations

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Angular Testing Book

The Complete Book On Angular Testing

100+ pages with more then 30 testing examples and secrets you need to know about testing Angular apps.

Angular Performance Book

Angular Performance

How to double or even triple the performance of your Angular app.