How to build an MVP with Angular (5 Tips and Best Practices for 2023)

Whether you're a founder that wants to build the next unicorn...

Or you're an indie hacker that just wants to build something for fun...

You know the importance of getting your product to market as quickly as possible.


An MVP, or minimum viable product, is a product with just enough features to satisfy early customers and provide valuable feedback for future development.

Angular is a popular choice for building MVPs due to its ease of use, flexibility, and scalability.

So here are some tips for building an MVP with Angular quickly:

1. Keep it simple:

When building an MVP, it's important to focus on the core functionality of your product and avoid adding unnecessary features. Angular's modular architecture allows you to easily add or remove features as needed.

2. Use Angular CLI:

The Angular CLI is a command-line interface that makes it easy to create and manage Angular projects. It includes features like a built-in development server, testing tools, and the ability to generate components and services.

3. Utilize Angular's reactive forms:

A Reactive form in Angular allows you to create forms that gives us a dynamic, model-driven approach to handling user input. It's a great choice when binding modeled data to the UI.

Reactive forms are recommended for more complex forms because of their power. But they're a great choice for simple forms.

Another advantage is that Reactive forms tend to be easier to test.

If you want to know more about reactive forms then checkout this article - Angular Reactive Forms - The complete step-by-step guide.

4. Consider using a pre-built UI component library:

There are several UI component libraries available for Angular that can save you time and effort by providing common components like buttons, forms, navigation menus, tables. As well as theming options that allow you to customize the color and look.

Here's a few of the more popular ones.

5. Don't forget about testing:

Testing is an important part of any product development process, and Angular makes it easy to set up unit and end-to-end tests. By including testing in your MVP development process, you can ensure that your product is of high quality and ready for real-world use.

I've written an entire book about Angular testing called "The Complete Book on Angular Testing". You can grab your free copy here.


By following these tips, you can build an MVP with Angular quickly and efficiently, allowing you to get your product to market and start gathering valuable feedback from early customers.

Good luck with your MVP!
