Why do Businesses Choose Angular for Web Application Development?

Today, businesses are putting a lot of effort into attracting customers to their brand through their websites. Are you also the one struggling to attract customers to your business? Do you know what draws more customers to online applications?


Entrepreneurs prefer using Angular for building strong scalable web applications because of its fast development speed, its efficiency, and ease of integration with other platforms.

According to historical Report, as of 2022, more than 319 k websites currently uses Angular. Over the past 2 years, there has been a consistent trend in the market for Angular development.

What is Angular?

Angular is an open-source framework of JavaScript created by Google. All the interactive features we often find on a website are created with Angular. The primary goal of the framework is to help create the Single-page application.

Angular was designed for modern and powerful web applications. It continues to assert its supremacy as the most well-established name in the world of front-end JavaScript frameworks.

The framework reduces the extra code that developers would generally have to write by taking advantage of dependency injection and data binding. It is further referred to as SPA’s that together with excellent features which include modularization, two-way binding, templating, AJAX handling, etc.

Angular enables the use of HTML as a base template language that enables angular front end developers to extend HTML’s syntax accurately and concisely express app elements with few lines of code.

Features of Angular Development:

  • Angular is an open-source framework.
  • It uses the language Typescript, a superset of JavaScript.
  • It has an MVC structure that makes web apps easy and simple to develop from scratch.
  • It offers pre-built material design elements such as form controls, navigation elements, data tables, pop-ups, and layouts.

Top Websites using Angular

Many major brands like PayPal, Microsoft Office Home, IBM, etc use Angular as their website framework because of the multiple benefits mentioned above. To name a few, the top websites using the Angular framework include:


Gmail is a single-page application built with HTML that renders real-time data that appears in the form of the newest messages and emails received on the front end. One of the finest things about this Angular application is how it shows to maintain incredible performance even under such challenging traffic conditions.


This well-known international business publication uses Angular to give users an elegant appearance on a highly responsive, reactive website that enables a wealth of content, cross-platform usage, and ease of reading.


In order to offer and manage features like in-app calling, payment gateways, and testing, Upwork’s online application employs Angular. The only reliable platform that can assist Upwork’s developing network with more than 18 million users, among which 5 million registered clients is undoubtedly Angular.

These names prove that Angular is the preferred choice among web development frameworks and an ideal selection for top businesses. It is a framework for business owners who want to build a next-generation web application with useful functionality.

Angular, today, is becoming most business owners' top choice because of its emphasis on code quality and testability, web developers favors AngularJS above other frameworks. AngularJS is so effective and well-known, and it’s easier to merge several substructures into the already-existing ones in the framework to produce a better web application.

Let’s look at the reason why businesses choose Angular for web development.

Why Use Angular for Your Business Applications?

With the world pacing at the speed of light, businesses need to be ahead of time to meet their user’s needs. Business owners are looking for means to develop modern web business applications because being online is the place where your target audience and business need to fail.

Angular is the right front-end framework to develop web applications which modern businesses aim to build. Performance, flexibility, scalability, and quick build are the features of modern web applications that are met by Angular. That’s the reason that C-suite executives have relied on Angular to develop the following types of Angular applications to propel their business growth.

Here’s the list of 5 types of Angular apps that includes what Angular is used for when and why businesses use the Angular framework.

For Enterprise-scale applications:

Angular is ideal to build large software applications central to organizational usage. Google is one of the classic angular examples that vouches for Angular development for enterprise-level applications that are highly optimized, business-driven, and also user-friendly. The features of Angular such as easy testing, progressive refactoring, and component reusability make it ideal to develop large applications.

For Progressive Web Application (PWA)

PWAs function even when interrupted or disconnected from web providers. Progressive apps are built in a way that they will use cache and proxies to block networks and users get a flawless app experience. The NPM provides a PWA package in Angular which enables front end developers to create a progressive web application which provides access to native app features and improves the page-loading time.

For Interfaces with Animations

Angular turns out to be outstanding to create amazing user experiences that are appealing and intuitive. The easy-to-use modules of Angular make it effortless to build attractive UI/UX, which enables businesses to retain customers and stand out with a strong brand personality.

For Server-side Rendered Applications

Angular provides fast development and a creative user experience, and that’s why it becomes ideal to build server-side rendering applications. Server-side Rendered apps overcome the issues of SEO-optimized web pages and therefore, they rank well on the SERP (Search Engine Results Page). Angular is an excellent framework to cater to pre-rendering solutions.

Angular for Mobile

Not only web, but Angular is mostly preferred for mobile app development. You can develop cross-platform applications using the Angular framework and these applications can run on several platforms – mobile, web, or desktop. Angular with NativeScript is used for android app development, while Angular with ionic is used for iOS app development.

Advantages of choosing Angular for Web Application Development

There are many advantages that entrepreneurs get by using Angular for their businesses. Here are a few benefits of why use Angular:

1. Development Time

Web applications can be made more rapidly and effectively with Angular. That’s due to the technological advantages which the framework offers, including comprehensive documentation, Google help, and support, and a developer community that can help you solve queries or any problem you’re facing at any time.

2. Consistency with Reusability:

It’s a well-known fact that Angular is a completely responsive web design framework that improves consistency by allowing the formation of particular repetitive blocks of code from the CLI using optimized Angular CLI (Command Line Interface) tools.

3. Productivity:

You can expect increased productivity of applications with code uniformity. Angular development makes it possible to divide and distribute tasks among various team members while maintaining orderly code that boosts productivity when creating the right modules.

4. Cost-effectiveness:

Another benefits why businesses choose Angular for web application development is that it is cost-effective. It is affordable for many reasons. First of all, it enables Angular developers to build several interactions of a website from a single codebase. Second, people can quickly develop high-quality websites by utilizing various features and functionalities. Lastly, testing Angular features is simple. It reduces the possibility that there will be bugs later on in the development phase.

5. Scalability:

With the help of Angular, you can develop apps with pluggable modules, testability, lazy loading, a single data flow, self-contained functionality, and redux-life management. By following the Angular architecture, you can engage with bigger teams on applications with several codebases. As a result, scaling up Angular development is simple.

6. High-Performance:

The adaptability of Angular, such as the Angular CLI, template syntax, routers, and other capabilities, uses the developer’s work and enables quick application loading. Details from all sources can be displayed efficiently in the User Interface, because of the framework’s ability to interact with several backend programming languages (UI).

7. Cross-platform development:

This framework is specifically cross-platform. The Angular framework is mostly used in native-like mobile applications, and Angular progressive web app (PWA) solutions can run on various platforms. More businesses are using Angular to create cross-platform solutions due to its skill at simulating actual native apps.

Final Thoughts

Angular has become one of the fastest-growing web application development technologies, it is the most preferred framework for all business owners who want to develop feature-rich solutions. That’s because of the number of benefits it offers.

Several large organizations prefer Angular to create apps for internal processes and for external users. Angular is an outstanding framework that’s used to build enterprise web applications specifically frontend development, because of the stability it offers. With its great features and great compatibility, undoubtedly, Angular can be stated as a web application framework of the future for most upcoming top business applications.

Daniel Kreider

Husain Saify

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